Workers' and Unemployed News, May 28th 1987
Organisation: Workers and Unemployed Movement
Publication: Workers' and Unemployed News
Issue: May 28th 1987
Type:Publication Issue
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

10th July 2023

Many thanks to the person who donated this to the Archive.

This document issued by the Workers and Unemployed Movement, a campaign of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) is a short four page leaflet. It’s headline article argues that ‘ALL WORKING PEOPLE MUST UNITED AGAINST THE CAPITALIST OFFENSIVE AND CUT-BACKS!’ And it notes protests in that month of May 1987 against the Fianna Fáil government cut-backs by those in the health sector.

Another article seeks support for ‘Militant strike struggle of workers at ‘Next’ restaurant in Dublin’. Six workers were sacked for joining a union and the demand of those protesting was the reinstatement of the workers and the right to unionise.

Another piece argues that ‘Superpower arms talks are a fraud’.

While not badged as CPI (M-L) the document does have two notices for public meetings of that party and its Spirit of Freedom campaign.

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